Musée des Beaux-Arts | Le Locle
22. Oktober 2022 - 26. Februar 2023
Eaux Troublées
Edward Burtynsky
Colorado River Delta #8, Salinas, Baja, Mexico, 2012 | © Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Galerie Springer, Berlin / Nicholas Metivier Gallery, Toronto
Die Ausstellung Edward Burtynsky. Eaux troublées gliedert sich in acht Teile - Golfe du Mexique, Désolation, Contrôle, Agriculture, Aquaculture, Aux bords de l’eau, Source, Anthropocène –, im Zuge derer sich der Fotograf auf immersive Weise mit der vielfältigen Nutzung des Wassers befasst: Von der Landwirtschaft, welche die bedeutendste menschliche Tä-tigkeit der Welt darstellt, über die Aquakultur, den Skandal der Wasserverschmutzung und seine schädlichen Auswirkungen bis zur Art und Wei-se, in der wir das Gelände bearbeiten, um am Ufer der Gewässer Fertighäuser aufzustellen.
Im Lauf der verschiedenen Kapitel dieser Ausstellung vermittelt uns der Dokumentarfotograf Edward Burtynsky die Beziehung des Menschen zum Wasser - einer bedeutenden Ressource unseres Planeten -, seine Fähigkeit, es unter Kontrolle zu bringen und verantwortungsbewusst damit umzugehen sowie die sich daraus ergebenden Folgen.
Im letzten Teil der Ausstellung mit dem Titel „Source“ widmet er sich der unberührten Landschaft und nimmt dies zum Anlass, die Kraft dieses lebenswichtigen Elements in Erinnerung zu rufen und über den Einfluss der Menschheit auf die Natur Bilanz zu ziehen.
Das Kommissariat wird von Enrica Viganò in Zusammenarbeit mit Admira übernommen.
L’exposition Edward Burtynsky. Eaux troublées s’articule en huit parties – Golfe du Mexique, Désolation, Contrôle, Agriculture, Aquaculture, Aux bords de l’eau, Source, Anthropocène – au travers desquelles le photographe explore de manière immersive les multiples usages de l’eau : depuis l’agriculture qui représente l’activité humaine la plus importante du monde, l’aquaculture, le scandale de la pollution aquatique et ses effets délétères jusqu’à la manière dont nous façonnons les terres pour y installer des bâtiments en préfabriqués au bord de l’eau.
À travers les différents chapitres que compte cette exposition, Edward Burtynsky, photographe documentaire, nous donne à voir le rapport que l’homme entretient avec l’eau – ressource majeure de notre planète – sa capacité à la maîtriser et à la gérer de manière responsable et les conséquences qui en découlent.
Dans la dernière partie de l’exposition intitulée Source, il revient sur le paysage pur, l’occasion de rappeler la puissance de cet élément vital et de dresser un bilan quant à l’impact de l’humanité sur la nature.
Le commissariat est assuré par Enrica Viganò, en partenariat avec Admira.
La mostra Edward Burtynsky. Troubled Waters è diviso in otto parti - Golfo del Messico, Desolazione, Controllo, Agricoltura, Acquacoltura, Waterfront, Sorgente, Antropocene - attraverso le quali il fotografo esplora in modo immersivo i molteplici usi dell'acqua: dall'agricoltura, che rappresenta l'attività umana più importante al mondo, all'acquacoltura, allo scandalo dell'inquinamento acquatico e dei suoi effetti deleteri, al modo in cui stiamo modellando il territorio per costruire edifici prefabbricati sul bordo dell'acqua.
Attraverso i vari capitoli di questa mostra, il fotografo documentarista Edward Burtynsky ci mostra il rapporto tra l'uomo e l'acqua - una delle principali risorse del nostro pianeta - la sua capacità di controllarla e gestirla in modo responsabile e le conseguenze che ne derivano.
Nell'ultima parte della mostra, intitolata Source, l'artista torna al paesaggio puro, un'occasione per ricordare la potenza di questo elemento vitale e per fare il punto sull'impatto dell'umanità sulla natura.
La mostra è curata da Enrica Viganò, in collaborazione con Admira.
Eaux troublées exhibition explores the controversial relationship between humankind and water: the most precious liquid, essential resource for life, basic part of our body, planet and living.
Between 2009 and 2014 Edward Burtynsky travelled to five continents - from the Gulf of Mexico to the Ganges riverbanks - to capture the life cycle of water. He followed the course of rivers and studied the seas; he has described the different uses of water from worship to farming and he has once again peered beneath the surface of things, as is typical of him. Actually, the photographic work of Edward Burtynsky is the result of a refined ability to investigate and synthesise. The analysis starts with a precise study of the impact of human progress on the Earth and goes on with the accurate research of exemplary sites. The synthesis is expressed by images which are able to gather the multiplicity and transform it into symbols by means of an aesthetic that satisfies the senses and invites to contemplation. For carrying out the work about water, Burtynsky has used advanced technologies, necessary considering the immensity of the subject. Aerial shots (from helicopters and drones) actually characterise the project and astonish us because of the difficulty to grasp the visual scale and the abstraction of subjects. The result is always amazing, never boring, since one is first fascinated by the awesome depiction of places and only after can go beyond the illusion of endless landscapes, until becomes conscious of the actual subject. Burtynsky uses sublime images to move public opinion: «Since it is by means of culture that one raises his consciousness and builds his history. And through culture one can make man aware of the consequences of his actions». His art is then necessary, for provoking, informing and involving, beyond national boundaries, since the environment is a global topic like nothing else and urgent like our basic needs.
The artist offers amazing images which actually make an impact, since they portray us, the human beings that shape the world according to the logic of greed; however, the Earth is exhausted and utters a cry for help, also by the art of photography. The words of Burtynsky are a clear and simple message: «What one gives to the future are the choices one makes today». Enrica Viganò