Galerie Peter Sillem | Frankfurt am Main
8. November 2024
Image Cities
Anastasia Samoylova
Jewellery Advertisement, Soho, New York, 2021, aus der Serie Image Cities © Anastasia Samoylova
Parallel zu Anastasia Samoylovas soeben eröffneten, großen institutionellen Ausstellungen im Metropolitan Museum New York und in der Saatchi Gallery London zeigen wir ihre Serie Image Cities eine fotografische Reise durch die bedeutendsten Metropolen der Welt, darunter New York, Paris, London, Zürich, Tokio und Mailand. Die Künstlerin richtet ihren Blick auf die öffentlich sichtbaren Bilder, die die Fassaden dieser Städte prägen. Sie zeigt uns nicht das Einzigartige dieser Orte, sondern das Gemeinsame: Die bedrohliche und schleichende Vereinheitlichung der Konsumkultur, die aus einer zunehmend von Konzernen dominierten Welt entsteht.
Anastasia Samoylova (*1984) lebt in Miami. In ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit bewegt sie sich zwischen beobachtender Fotografie, Studiopraxis und Installation. Ihre Bücher FloodZone und Floridas: Anastasia Samoylova & Walker Evans wurden vom Steidl Verlag veröffentlicht, ihr Buch Image Cities ist bei Hatje Cantz erschienen. Ihre Arbeiten wurden in Einzelausstellungen im Chrysler Museum of Art, im Orlando Museum of Art, im Contemporary Art Museum in Tampa, im The Print Center in Philadelphia, im Eastman Museum in Rochester, NY, bei C/O Berlin und im KBr Fundación MAPFRE in Barcelona, Spanien, sowie an vielen weiteren Orten gezeigt. Im Herbst/Winter 2024/25 sind zwei große institutionelle Ausstellungen von ihr im Metropolitan Museum New York und in der Saatchi Gallery in London zu sehen. Anastasia Samoylovas Arbeiten befinden sich unter anderem in den Sammlungen des Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, des Perez Art Museum in Miami, des High Museum of Art in Atlanta und des Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago. Anastasia Samoylova war Finalistin des Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2022 und erhielt den ersten KBr Photo Award der KBr Fundación MAPFRE. Soeben ist ihre Monografie Adaptations bei Thames and Hudson erschienen.
Paris, aus der Serie Image Cities © Anastasia Samoylova
Parallèlement aux grandes expositions institutionnelles d'Anastasia Samoylova qui viennent d'être inaugurées au Metropolitan Museum de New York et à la Saatchi Gallery de Londres, nous présentons sa série Image Cities un voyage photographique à travers les plus grandes métropoles du monde, dont New York, Paris, Londres, Zurich, Tokyo et Milan. L'artiste porte son regard sur les visuels visibles par le public qui caractérisent les façades de ces villes. Elle ne nous montre pas ce que ces lieux ont d'unique, mais ce qu'ils ont en commun : l'uniformisation menaçante et insidieuse de la culture de consommation qui résulte d'un monde de plus en plus dominé par les multinationales.
Anastasia Samoylova (*1984) vit à Miami. Dans son travail artistique, elle évolue entre la photographie d'observation, la pratique en studio et l'installation. Ses livres FloodZone et Floridas : Anastasia Samoylova & Walker Evans ont été publiés par Steidl Verlag, son livre Image Cities est paru chez Hatje Cantz. Leurs travaux ont été présentés dans des expositions individuelles au Chrysler Museum of Art, à l'Orlando Museum of Art, au Contemporary Art Museum de Tampa, au The Print Center de Philadelphie, au Eastman Museum de Rochester, NY, chez C/O Berlin et au KBr Fundación MAPFRE de Barcelone, Espagne, ainsi que dans de nombreux autres lieux. En automne/hiver 2024/25, elle fera l'objet de deux grandes expositions institutionnelles au Metropolitan Museum de New York et à la Saatchi Gallery de Londres. Le travail d'Anastasia Samoylova figure notamment dans les collections du Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York, du Perez Art Museum de Miami, du High Museum of Art d'Atlanta et du Museum of Contemporary Photography de Chicago. Anastasia Samoylova a été finaliste du Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2022 et a reçu le premier KBr Photo Award de la KBr Fundación MAPFRE. Sa monographie Adaptations vient de paraître chez Thames and Hudson.
Madison Avenue, New York, 2022, aus der Serie Image Cities © Anastasia Samoylova
Parallelamente alle grandi mostre istituzionali recentemente inaugurate da Anastasia Samoylova al Metropolitan Museum di New York e alla Saatchi Gallery di Londra, presentiamo la sua serie Image Cities, un viaggio fotografico attraverso le più importanti metropoli del mondo, tra cui New York, Parigi, Londra, Zurigo, Tokyo e Milano. L'artista concentra il suo sguardo sulle immagini pubblicamente visibili che caratterizzano le facciate di queste città. Non ci mostra l'unicità di questi luoghi, ma ciò che li accomuna: la minacciosa e strisciante standardizzazione della cultura consumistica che emerge da un mondo sempre più dominato dalle multinazionali.
Anastasia Samoylova (*1984) vive a Miami. Nel suo lavoro artistico si muove tra fotografia d'osservazione, pratica in studio e installazione. I suoi libri FloodZone e Floridas: Anastasia Samoylova & Walker Evans sono stati pubblicati da Steidl Verlag, mentre il suo libro Image Cities è stato pubblicato da Hatje Cantz. Le loro opere sono state esposte in mostre personali al Chrysler Museum of Art, all'Orlando Museum of Art, al Contemporary Art Museum di Tampa, al Print Center di Philadelphia, all'Eastman Museum di Rochester, NY, al C/O Berlin e alla KBr Fundación MAPFRE di Barcellona, Spagna, oltre che in molte altre sedi. Nell'autunno/inverno 2024/25, l'artista terrà due importanti mostre istituzionali al Metropolitan Museum di New York e alla Saatchi Gallery di Londra. Le opere di Anastasia Samoylova sono presenti nelle collezioni del Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York, del Perez Art Museum di Miami, dell'High Museum of Art di Atlanta e del Museum of Contemporary Photography di Chicago, tra gli altri. Anastasia Samoylova è stata finalista del Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2022 e ha ricevuto il primo KBr Photo Award dalla KBr Fundación MAPFRE. La sua monografia Adaptations è stata appena pubblicata da Thames and Hudson.
Peeling Poster, Los Angeles, 2022, aus der Serie Image Cities © Anastasia Samoylova
Parallel to Anastasia Samoylova's major institutional exhibitions at the Metropolitan Museum in New York and the Saatchi Gallery in London, we are delighted to present her latest series, Image Cities, a photographic journey through some of the world's most prominent metropolises, including New York, Paris, London, Zurich, Tokyo, and Milan. The artist turns her camera towards the publicly visible images that shape the façades of these cities. Rather than highlighting what makes these places unique, she reveals what they have in common: the menacing and gradual homogenization of consumer culture, emerging from a world increasingly dominated by corporations.
Anastasia Samoylova (1984) is an American artist who moves between observational photography, studio practice and installation. By utilizing tools related to digital media and commercial photography, her work explores notions of environmentalism, consumerism and the picturesque.
Her books FloodZone and Floridas: Anastasia Samoylova & Walker Evans were published by Steidl, her book Image Cities is out with Hatje Cantz. Her works have been presented in solo exhibitions at the Chrysler Museum of Art; Orlando Museum of Art; Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa; The Print Center Philadelphia, the Eastman Museum, Rochester, NY, C/O Berlin, Germany, and the KBr Fundación MAPFRE, Barcelona, Spain, among others. Her work is in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Perez Art Museum, Miami; High Museum of Art, Atlanta; and Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago; among others.
Anastasia Samoylova was shortlisted for the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2022 and received the first KBr Photo Award by KBr Fundación MAPFRE. In the Fall/Winter of 2024/25, two major institutional exhibitions of her work will be on view at the Metropolitan Museum in New York and the Saatchi Gallery in London. Her monograph Adaptations has just been published by Thames and Hudson.
(Text: Galerie Peter Sillem, Frankfurt am Main)