La Galerie de l'Instant | Nice
19. Mai - 30. September 2021
La Villa
Dominique Tarlé
Mick Jagger & Keith Richards, Villa Nellcote, Villefranche sur Mer, 1971 (©DOMINIQUE TARLÉ/ LA GALERIE DE L’INSTANT)
Vor fünfzig Jahren kam die größte Rockband der Welt, die Rolling Stones, in den Süden Frankreichs. Nach Steuerproblemen in England hatten Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, Bill Wyman und Mick Taylor beschlossen, nach Frankreich zu flüchten.
Der junge Fotograf Dominique Tarlé, der die Gruppe mehrere Jahre lang in London und auf Tournee begleitet hatte, kam zu seinen Lieblingsmusikern, um sie in dieser neuen Umgebung zu verewigen...
Er begann mit der inzwischen berühmten Villa Nellcote, die von Keith Richards gemietet wurde, an der Bucht von Villefranche-sur-mer... Er kam, um den Tag mit dem Gitarristen und seiner Familie zu verbringen, und verließ sie nur sechs Monate später, eingeladen von Keith, um diesen privilegierten Moment ihres Lebens zu genießen.
Wie könnte man ein solches Angebot ausschlagen, wenn man eine Leidenschaft für Fotografie und Rhythm and Blues hat? Dominique Tarlé wurde so zum einzigen Fotografen, der diese mythische Gruppe auf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere während der Entstehung des nicht minder mythischen Albums "Exile on Main St." begleitete und an einem Tag von den einfachsten Alltagsmomenten zu reinen Musikmomenten zwischen Profis überging.
Dieser unvergessliche Sommer prägte für immer das Leben des Fotografen und die Geschichte des Rock'n'Roll; das Vertrauen, das Dominique Tarlé von der Band entgegengebracht wurde, besteht bis heute und zeugt von der aufrichtigen Freundschaft, die ihn mit diesen Künstlern verbindet.
Vor 50 Jahren landete die größte Rockband der Welt, die Rolling Stones, in Südfrankreich. Nach verschiedenen Steuerproblemen in England beschlossen Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, Bill Wyman und Mick Taylor, in Frankreich Schutz zu suchen. Der junge Fotograf Dominique Tarlé, der die Band schon seit einigen Jahren in London und auf Tournee kennt, kam zu seinen Lieblingsmusikern, um sie in dieser neuen Umgebung zu verewigen...
Er begann mit der inzwischen berühmten Villa Nellcote, die von Keith Richards gemietet wurde, mit Blick auf den Hafen von Villefranchesur- mer... Er kam, um den Tag mit dem Gitarristen und seiner Familie zu verbringen, und wird erst 6 Monate später wieder abreisen, nachdem er Keiths Einladung gefolgt war, diesen besonderen Moment in ihrem Leben zu genießen. Wie kann man ein solches Angebot ablehnen, wenn man ein Fan von Fotografie und Rhythm and Blues ist?
Dominique Tarlé wurde dann zum einzigen Fotografen, der diese legendäre Band auf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere während der Entstehung des nicht weniger legendären Albums Exile on Main Street live begleitete und dabei von den einfachsten alltäglichen Ereignissen bis hin zu den reinen musikalischen Momenten unter Profis reichte. Dieser unvergessliche Sommer sollte das Leben des Fotografen und die Geschichte des Rock'n'Roll für immer prägen; das Vertrauen, das die Band Dominique Tarlé entgegenbrachte, hält bis heute an und zeugt von der aufrichtigen Freundschaft, die ihn mit diesen Künstlern verband.
Il y a 50 ans débarquait dans le sud de la France le plus grand groupe de rock du monde : les Rolling Stones. Suite à des déboires fiscaux en Angleterre, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, Bill Wyman et Mick Taylor avaient décidé de venir se réfugier en France.
Le jeune photographe Dominique Tarlé qui fréquentait le groupe depuis plusieurs années à Londres et en tournée, vint rejoindre ses musiciens préférés afin de les immortaliser dans ce nouvel environnement…
Il commença par la désormais célèbre Villa Nellcote louée par Keith Richards, sur la rade de Villefranche-sur-mer… venu passer la journée avec le guitariste et sa famille, il n’en repartira que six mois plus tard, invité par Keith à profiter de ce moment privilégié de leurs vies.
Comment refuser une telle proposition quand on est passionné de photographie et de rhythm and blues ? Dominique Tarlé devint ainsi le seul photographe ayant jamais vécu avec ce groupe mythique, à l’apogée de leur carrière, lors de la réalisation du non moins mythique album « Exile on Main St. » passant dans la même journée d’instants quotidiens les plus simples, à de purs moments de musique entre professionnels.
Cet été inoubliable marqua à jamais la vie du photographe, et l’histoire du rock n’roll ; la confiance accordée à Dominique Tarlé par le groupe demeure encore aujourd’hui, et témoigne de l’amitié sincère qui l’unit à ces artistes.
50 years ago, the biggest rock band in the world, the Rolling Stones, landed in the south of France. Following various tax woes in England, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, Bill Wyman and Mick Taylor decided to come and seek shelter in France. The young photographer Dominique Tarlé who had known the band for a few years in London and on tour, came to join his favourite musicians in order to immortalise them in this new environment…
He began with the now-famous Villa Nellcote, rented by Keith Richards, overlooking Villefranchesur- mer harbour… He came to spend the day with the guitarist and his family, and will only leave 6 months later, following Keith’s invitation to enjoy this special moment in their lives. How do you refuse such an offer, when you are a fan of photography and rhythm and blues?
Dominique Tarlé then became the only photographer ever to live with this legendary band, at the height of their career, during the creation of the no less legendary album Exile on Main Street, going in the same day from the simplest daily events to the pure musical moments between professionals. This unforgettable summer would forever leave its mark on the photographer’s life and the history of rock’n’roll; the trust the band gave Dominique Tarlé still holds even today and is testimony to the sincere friendship that bound him to these artists.
Cinquant'anni fa, la più grande rock band del mondo, i Rolling Stones, venne nel sud della Francia. In seguito a problemi fiscali in Inghilterra, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, Bill Wyman e Mick Taylor avevano deciso di rifugiarsi in Francia.
Il giovane fotografo Dominique Tarlé, che ha accompagnato il gruppo per diversi anni a Londra e in tournée, è venuto a raggiungere i suoi musicisti preferiti per immortalarli in questo nuovo ambiente...
Ha iniziato con l'ormai famosa Villa Nellcote affittata da Keith Richards, sulla baia di Villefranche-sur-mer... È venuto a passare la giornata con il chitarrista e la sua famiglia, ed è ripartito solo sei mesi dopo, invitato da Keith a godere di questo momento privilegiato della loro vita.
Come si può rifiutare una tale offerta quando si è appassionati di fotografia e di rhythm and blues? Dominique Tarlé divenne così l'unico fotografo che aveva vissuto con questo mitico gruppo, all'apice della loro carriera, durante la realizzazione del non meno mitico album "Exile on Main St.", passando nello stesso giorno dai più semplici momenti quotidiani a puri momenti di musica tra professionisti.
Questa estate indimenticabile ha segnato per sempre la vita del fotografo, e la storia del rock'n'roll; la fiducia accordata a Dominique Tarlé dalla band rimane ancora oggi, e testimonia l'amicizia sincera che lo unisce a questi artisti.
50 anni fa, la più grande rock band del mondo, i Rolling Stones, sbarcò nel sud della Francia. In seguito a vari guai fiscali in Inghilterra, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, Bill Wyman e Mick Taylor decisero di venire a cercare rifugio in Francia. Il giovane fotografo Dominique Tarlé, che conosceva il gruppo da qualche anno a Londra e in tournée, è venuto a raggiungere i suoi musicisti preferiti per immortalarli in questo nuovo ambiente...
Ha iniziato con l'ormai famosa Villa Nellcote, affittata da Keith Richards, con vista sul porto di Villefranchesur- mer... È venuto a passare la giornata con il chitarrista e la sua famiglia, e se ne andrà solo 6 mesi dopo, seguendo l'invito di Keith a godersi questo momento speciale della loro vita. Come si fa a rifiutare un'offerta del genere, quando si è appassionati di fotografia e di rhythm and blues?
Dominique Tarlé divenne allora l'unico fotografo ad aver vissuto con questa leggendaria band, all'apice della loro carriera, durante la creazione del non meno leggendario album Exile on Main Street, passando nella stessa giornata dai più semplici eventi quotidiani ai puri momenti musicali tra professionisti. Quest'estate indimenticabile avrebbe segnato per sempre la vita del fotografo e la storia del rock'n'roll; la fiducia che la band ha dato a Dominique Tarlé dura ancora oggi e testimonia l'amicizia sincera che lo lega a questi artisti.
50 years ago, the world's biggest rock band, the Rolling Stones, came to the south of France. Following tax problems in England, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, Bill Wyman and Mick Taylor had decided to take refuge in France.
The young photographer Dominique Tarlé, who had been with the group for several years in London and on tour, came to join his favorite musicians in order to immortalize them in this new environment...
He started with the now famous Villa Nellcote rented by Keith Richards, on the bay of Villefranche-sur-mer... He came to spend the day with the guitarist and his family, and left only six months later, invited by Keith to enjoy this privileged moment of their lives.
How to refuse such a proposal when you are passionate about photography and rhythm and blues? Dominique Tarlé thus became the only photographer who had ever lived with this mythical group, at the peak of their career, during the making of the no less mythical album "Exile on Main St." passing in the same day from the simplest daily moments to pure moments of music between professionals.
This unforgettable summer marked forever the life of the photographer, and the history of rock'n'roll; the trust granted to Dominique Tarlé by the band remains today, and testifies to the sincere friendship that unites him to these artists.
50 years ago, the biggest rock band in the world, the Rolling Stones, landed in the south of France. Following various tax woes in England, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, Bill Wyman and Mick Taylor decided to come and seek shelter in France. The young photographer Dominique Tarlé who had known the band for a few years in London and on tour, came to join his favourite musicians in order to immortalise them in this new environment...
He began with the now-famous Villa Nellcote, rented by Keith Richards, overlooking Villefranchesur- mer harbour... He came to spend the day with the guitarist and his family, and will only leave 6 months later, following Keith's invitation to enjoy this special moment in their lives. How do you refuse such an offer, when you are a fan of photography and rhythm and blues?
Dominique Tarlé then became the only photographer ever to live with this legendary band, at the height of their career, during the creation of the no less legendary album Exile on Main Street, going in the same day from the simplest daily events to the pure musical moments between professionals. This unforgettable summer would forever leave its mark on the photographer's life and the history of rock'n'roll; the trust the band gave Dominique Tarlé still holds even today and is testimony to the sincere friendship that bound him to these artists.
(Text: La Galerie de l'Instant, Paris)