Lugano Photo Days | Ex Macello
12. - 21. Oktober 2018
There is the sun outside
Francesco Cilli
There is the sun outside | Francesco Cilli
Missy, 27 years old and Claire, 24 years old (invented names), are two friends who have been fighting for years against Bulimia, a food disorder that affects about 3 million of Italians, 95% of whom are women. This is a worrying phenomenon, considering that the number of people affected by this disease is increasing. There are 12 new cases per 100 people every year.
For a few years they have been following the same psycho-therapeutic group in a center for eating disorders, trying to heal together, but because of the disease they have wandered away and approached again several times, because each of them considers the other perfect and able to control her body.
They explain that their disturbance is not only a matter of food dependence but also of the emotions they are unable to handle, trying to control them through very rigid mental patterns to be perfect.
It's just a stronger emotion or to ingest calories that makes them feel inadequate or wrong to cause their mental pattern to break and start the “binging” that leads them to ingest huge quantity of food and then to vomit everything .
<< I spent the day lounging and lying. I can not stop, I'm hungry, yet my mind continues to suggest what I could eat There is sun outside, but it’s a very dark day for me "> >