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Dirty Scenes | Katrien De Blauwer | Libraryman


Dirty Scenes
Katrien De Blauwer

ISBN 978–91–88113–25–2

Page after page they undress. Their legs laying down gracefully on a bed, resting for eternity—so it seems. Others are standing up, can you feel the warmth coming out of their skin? It seems they are dancing together from scene to scene. Inviting you to join them. Their naked bodies find refuge between the paint strokes, next to the cardboards, under the pencil marks. They will not show us their eyes, we won’t know what their faces look like. They are only bodies. Yet, can’t you feel their glance, looking right through you.

First edition of 400 copies, numbered and signed.

Dirty Scenes by Katrien De Blauwer (b. 1969, Belgian) accompanies her exhibition Love Me Tender in Paris, France at Galerie Les Filles du Calvaire, May 18–June 15, 2019.